Welcome to the Gensokyo Radio Forum

What is Gensokyo Radio?
Gensokyo Radio is a 24/7 internet radio station playing fan-made arrangements derived from a popular Japanese video game series known as the Touhou Project. Join the discussion today and discover some of the best music you’ve never heard of at GensokyoRadio.net.

Why do we have Forums?
We created this forum to better facilitate mid to long-term communication among all members of the community (and also because our listeners had been nagging us about it for the past few years). Stay up-to-date with the latest news and events taking place at GR, take part in the discussion of “Music, Games, Touhou” among like-minded fans, and tell us how you think we’re doing.

We hope this will compliment our existing partnered Discord server group, and that you’ll visit often and keep in touch with your fellow listeners!

Other places to find us
If you’re not already a part of our Discord server, you can join us at http://discord.gg/gensokyo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GensokyoRadio
Facebook Fan Group: Gensokyo Radio
Mixcloud: Mixcloud

Thanks for visiting!