Server Upgrade Soon

Our main streaming server will be moved within the next couple of days, occurring no later than Wednesday. The main reason is simply because we’re currently not pleased with the level of service our current provider has given us for the past few months.

There was one instance where our provider “announced” a server downtime, but it was only for our class of servers in their datacenter. Furthermore, their announcement wasn’t publicly broadcast to its users; they had a page that, once the server went offline that day, we found after looking for some news on the matter.

Service to the stream will be interrupted by this at some point. After the current server goes down, we have a new server that we’ll be migrating to as soon as we can. Best case scenario is that the server is only down for about an hour or so. As long as the software migration goes well and services are reestablished as planned, things won’t take long to bring back up.

We hope our growing listener base understands, and we hope to continue serving our listeners at GensokyoRadio!