Open Beta for App v2 Now Available

This week, we released app v2 into open beta, plus we celebrated Cirno Day 2023. For more details, read on.

Every year, fans celebrate Cirno Day (9/9) through artwork, videos, memes, and so on. In our case, we put up a special deal on CDs where folks could nab 30% off of 3 or more CDs from our online store (because 3x3=9). If you missed out, we just put up a new coupon code for folks who check out our latest creation.

We’ve been talking about the latest iteration of our mobile app nearly every week for the past few months, and now it’s time for our community to check out what we’ve been up to! Open beta dropped on Cirno Day this weekend, and you can find a support thread on our Discord server which has a link to the app (PWA) and details our progress on a handful of work items. You can help by visiting the app, providing feedback, and reporting any issues you encounter ahead of the app’s public release. Translation will open up to our team of volunteers soon, so stay tuned for additional updates. If you’re interested in helping translate the app, check out the appropriate Discord thread. Native app work will commence afterwards.

That’s it for this week. Make sure to check out the app when you have a few moments, and thanks for listening!

Link to open beta support thread: Discord

[Knowledge #133]