No Audio

I seem to be having issues where there’s just no audio on the website player, the visualizer toggle is on (but no visuals), the now playing is working and the song timer is progressing but there’s just nothing playing on my end I don’t understand why

Hey there, welcome to the community! :wave:

What browser are you using? There’s currently a known issue with Safari and iOS, and we’ll be pushing a fix for it this week. If you’re using either of these, you could try a different browser, or you can find direct links for use in a media player app of your choice over at

Otherwise, assuming you’re using, make sure the play button has been pressed and the volume isn’t too low. The player screen displays the current status of the radio station, and as such, the current song duration/position will always be running even if you’re not connected.

Alternatively, if you’re on desktop or mobile, you can try out the web app at This is currently in-development and is a mobile-first version with some newer features such as bitrate switching and additional languages.

Try these out, and let me know if you’re still experiencing issues connecting to the station.