This week, we had our 27th Meetup event and are continuing to work on app v2 in closed beta. For more details, read on!
Our 27th Meetup event met via Discord Stages where we had an opportunity to talk about how we’ve learned through the process of growing, developing, managing, and maintaining the projects associated with Gensokyo Radio. We also included aspects of projects that many might not consider such as networking with third parties, communication, writing, systems administration, and learning specific software and frameworks that ultimately power our projects. The meetup wrapped up by casting these experiences into a set of marketable skills that future employers could find valuable, encourages others to find value in the work they’ve done, and highlights the importance of continuous learning.
We’ve been working through implementing fixes and updates to app v2 after listening to feedback from our closed beta testers. We have a healthy list of things to work through, but we should be on track to knock out most items in the next week or two. Afterwards, we’ll be looking towards opening up access to our Discord community, and during that time we’ll be working on the translation framework so that our team of volunteer translators can do their work. The PWA version will be available to the public via our website after the majority of translation work has been completed.
That’s all for this week, thanks for joining us during our Meetup event this weekend, and thanks for listening!
[Knowledge #131]