Live #139 Announced & Convention Prep


This week, we spent some time preparing for TouhouFest 2024, plus we announced our next Live broadcast. For more details, read on!

Gensokyo Radio Live #139 will be Live on Saturday, April 20th at 6pm ET / 3pm PT with new music, station news, and a bunch of new games brought on from the recent Touhou Game Jam! It’s been fun walking through the games from past game jams, and with the featured theme being “Retro,” we’re sure to run into some fun ideas. You can tune in via the website, web app, or anywhere else we’re listed, and join the conversation during the show via Discord.

In other news, we’re working on getting things ready behind the scenes for our second appearance at TouhouFest 2024! Last year, we were fortunate to have the convention invite the whole team out to meet up with existing listeners and new fans alike. This year, we’re on our own, and as such our setup is quite a bit more simple on the technical side. We won’t be broadcasting live on-location like last year, but instead we’ll be focusing on a more visually appealing table setup. We hope to talk to folks about the station, the artists and groups we’ve worked with over the last 13 years, and the music and merch we have available in our online store.

We’re working on a separate, time-sensitive project this week, so expect Variety Events to be postponed until next week. That’s all for now, hope to see you during the show this weekend, and thanks for listening!

[Knowledge #163]