Does rating songs on the radio do anything?

Also, is there any way of seeing what others have rated the song too?
And another question, is there any way to request songs?

Hey there, welcome to the GR forum!

Song ratings are recorded and used to determine what songs people like or dislike. At present, they aren’t used in any systematic way, but they are used by folks at the station to determine what type of music to add or remove based on listener feedback (in the form of ratings).

If you’re curious to know what ratings songs have, you can browse the ratings that an album has via the app. Otherwise, it’s not really displayed anywhere per song at the moment. Technically, you can view a song’s average rating via the API when it’s playing on the station.

And finally, we have a #music-requests channel on Discord which folks can use to recommend songs to be added to the station. There is not, however, a way for listeners to actively request songs to be played or queued. With that said, we’ve talked during the last couple Live shows about a new system which uses a combination of listener ratings and current listeners to actively select songs on the station. In that way, listener ratings would have an effect on what is played on the station in an active, dynamic manner.

All good questions, let me know if there’s anything else you’re curious about.