DMJ654 Throws a Bucket of Ice Water on Gensokyo Radio for Charity

If you haven’t heard of it yet, there’s a challenge circulating the internet right now called the “ALS Ice Bucket Challenge”. The challenge is simple: if you’re challenged, you have 24 hours to comply, or you can donate $10 to get out of the challenge… or you can do both if you’re extra awesome.

In this case, DMJ654, our Music Reviewer, has started the process by going through the challenge first, then passing the challenge off to a number of people so that the cycle may continue. Typically the number of people challenged after one person does it is 3, but he did it twice, so he nominated 6 people.

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge brings awareness to ALS, a.k.a. Lou Gehrig’s Disease, and proceeds go to the ALS Association. So far, they have raised over $10 million from the challenge, many times greater than what they received this time last year. We’re happy to participate in the challenge, and we hope to get others in the Touhou community involved as well.

Sean has opted for the donation option. Way to support a good cause~

Let’s do something silly for something good.

Thanks for listening! ~

User Comments (migrated from legacy news system)

(Guest) Neeeyan | Posted on August 18th, 2014, 10:21:20 AM
Nice one GUYS!!!

Khoury | Posted on August 19th, 2014, 09:30:13 PM
As always, the staff at GKR are really ‘cool’ people. heh. Viva la GKR!

(Guest) Neeeyan | Posted on August 22nd, 2014, 07:44:17 AM
hehehe I guest and I wish that I’m a staff too.