Discord Bot Verification Results & Touhou Game Jam #7

This week, our Discord bot quickly reached the threshold for Discord bot verification, an important step in ensuring bots widely used on the platform are safe and adhere to Discord’s policies. Unfortunately, our bot did not pass verification, and we shut it down within 12 hours of receiving this result. We want to thank everyone who helped us test and who invited it to their servers for others to enjoy.

We were truly impressed at the adoption rate of our original bot as it lets us know this is something that’s worth working on and spending time getting right. As I’m sure many of our listeners will wonder why, it appears the primary reason for the result has to do with a lack of understanding regarding the type of music we play, where it comes from, and what the relationship between the music, our radio station, and the Discord bot is. This is something that’s more unique to a use case like ours, and the process doesn’t explicitly ask for this information. We’ll seek to be more verbose in our explanation next time, but we’re also taking this opportunity to review all of Discord’s relevant policies to ensure we’re not missing anything else. Stay tuned for another first-party developed bot in the near future. Thanks for your understanding and patience.

The 110th episode of Gensokyo Radio Live is now available in podcast form on our website (in case you missed it last weekend), and will be available across major podcast platforms very shortly. This is the first episode where Lunar and Xara chilled out together during a Live show. We also talk about the bot during this episode in a manner which is already out of date, but the points about why we’re developing this still remain relevant.

The Touhou Game Jam group is wrapping up their 7th Game Jam today, and you can check out the games and vote on your favorites here: Touhou Fan Game Jam 7 - itch.io

Finally, we’ll be doing some housekeeping on the website side of things this week. This has been prioritized above adding new music to the station which we had mentioned during Live #110, but rest assured this is still on our list of near-term items to take care of. Look forward to that, and thanks for listening!

[Knowledge #41]