Changes to our Privacy Policy (GDPR | May 25th, 2018)

Hi there! Just like the rest of the internet, we’ve updated our privacy policy to be in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The changes make it more clear as to how we gather and use data from site visitors and service users. You can view our policy at

If you’re wondering if this was necessary for our small-time radio station to do, the answer is yes. We have listeners and site visitors with accounts from all over the world, including all of Europe. For us to continue serving our listeners in good faith in the EU, this step was a must.

So there it is, not a whole lot to talk about in this one, but we’re refraining from sending out an email about it because we’ve never sent a mass email out before (beyond what this forum offers), and we’re not about to start with yet another GDPR notification landing in your inbox unannounced.

Happy to answer any questions below.